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Holiday Hits!

Wedgwood Elementary School Holiday Show Puts Spotlight on Cultures, Joy, and More

For Immediate Release
December 20, 2024

Wedgwood Elementary School chorus members sing holiday songs loud and proud during Friday’s show.

WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP – Wedgwood Elementary School hosted its annual Holiday Show on Friday morning, December 20th, in the school’s all-purpose room. Led by music teacher and choral director Paula DiGianivittorio, the program brought smiles, laughs, and excitement to all in attendance.

The Wedgwood Holiday Show was a concert full of culture, Santa, Frosty, and a donkey! Speakers and singers reflected on the beauty of Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa, and Christmas. The crowd of students watched and sang and danced along, taking joy home with them for the winter break!


The student body got involved in singing and dancing to the selections

Wedgwood teacher Jessica Steinberg tells the students some of the history of Hanukkah.

Frosty the Snowman, played by Wedgwood physical education teacher Jenna Wehrle, does a cartwheel during the performance.

Wedgwood math teacher Domenick Renzi (left) and fifth-grader Dominic Sciulli sing and dance to the popular song “Dominic the Donkey” during the holiday show.

- WTPS -