Novel Ideas!
Bunker Hill Middle School Sixth-Graders Go Beyond the Book Alone in Reading Novel Out of My Mind
For Immediate Release
January 10, 2025
BHMS sixth-graders pose with guest speaker Marissa Mullin.
WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP – Sixth-grade students at Bunker Hill Middle School recently completed reading their first novel titled Out of My Mind. The story is about a girl who has cerebral palsy and is determined to show the world just what she is capable of.
For a culmination and team day activity, the sixth grade watched the movie based on the novel that is now on Disney+. Mrs. Maddy Kubik also had a guest speaker, Marissa Mullin, who is a Washington Township High School graduate with cerebral palsy. Marissa came in and shared her experiences with the students.
Students were then able to explore AAC devices with the help of our speech therapist, Mrs. Laura Brodowski, which allows nonverbal students to communicate with the world around them.
“Bunker Hill is exceptionally proud of the sixth-grade staff members, the students’ willingness to engage in new experiences outside of their own, and our guest speakers for educating us all about her own personal journey,” BHMS principal Allison Egizi said.
BHMS sixth-graders take their turns using AAC devices commonly used by nonverbal students to communicate with the world around them.
Marissa Mullin (center) is joined by her parents, Mike and Jennifer, during her guest speaking appearance at BHMS.
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