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Stepping in at Bells

Longtime District Educator Shaun Giberson Named Acting Principal at Bells Elementary School



Shaun Giberson fist-bumps a student in the bus line on his first day as acting principal at Bells Elementary School on Wednesday, September 6, 2023.


WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP – Shaun Giberson, an 18-year veteran educator in Washington Township, has been named acting principal at Bells Elementary School for the start of the 2023-24 school year. Giberson takes over for Ginny Grier, who has moved into the principal’s role at Wedgwood Elementary School.

“We’re fortunate to be able to place Shaun Giberson into the role of acting principal at Bells,” Director of Elementary Education Gretchen Gerber said. “Mr. Giberson is a student-centered educator who is dedicated to supporting the diverse needs of our students at all levels. He is a terrific addition to our building administrative staff, and he will continue to enhance the strong and positive learning culture which exists at Bells School.”

3sgbells23Giberson has been a math interventionist at Washington Township High School since 2020, where his focus has been on closing achievement gaps and supporting the math team at WTHS. Previously, he was a math teacher at the school from 2005-20, teaching Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and Honors Calculus. He has been a member of district committees including administrative cabinet, No Place for Hate, and Building Better People. He spent 10 years as an administrator’s assistant at WTHS, focusing on discipline.

Outside the classroom, Giberson has been a senior advisor and Senior Trip coordinator since 2018, planning the logistically challenging trip to Florida for 400-plus students each year. In addition, he has assisted with Senior Prom, Baccalaureate, and Graduation. 

Giberson owns a bachelor of arts degree in mathematics from Rowan University (2003), a master’s in business administration from the University of Phoenix (2008), and master’s in educational leadership from Wilmington University (2019). He is currently pursuing his doctor of education degree from Capella University. Giberson’s professional certifications include: New Jersey Business Administrator Certificate; New Jersey Principal’s Certificate; Supervisors Certification; Professional Human Resources Certification; and New Jersey Wrestling Officials Certification. 

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