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WTHS Tabs Class of 2023 Summa Cum Laude Graduates

The 58th commencement ceremony of Washington Township High School will take place on Monday, June 12, 2023, promptly at 7 p.m. on Tom Brown Field in the WTHS Stadium. The ceremony will be shared live on WT-TV (Channel 9 Comcast/Channel 36 Verizon) as well as on the District’s YouTube channel ( In the event of inclement weather, the event will be moved into the school’s Republic Bank Performing Arts Center.


Members of the Washington Township Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eric Hibbs and High School Principal Ray Anderson will preside over the program.


Three students, who have posted a weighted grade point average of 102 or higher, will be honored as summa cum laude graduates. They include:


  • Ryan Crowley (attending Clemson University, studying material biology/pre-med)
  • Harshil Dhruve (attending Rowan University, studying mechanical engineering)
  • Jessica Wei (attending Princeton University, studying economics)

Summa Cum Laude


 The summa cum laude graduates of the Washington Township High School Class of 2023 include (seated left to right)– Harshil Dhruve and Ryan Crowley; (standing) – Jessica Wei