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Channeling Their Inner Warhol

Bunker Hill Middle School Talented Art Class Unveils Group Print to Culminate Warhol Activity


For Immediate Release
June 7, 2024


The BHMS Talented Art class holds up their framed group "Warhol Print" which will be displayed in the school hallway.


WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP – Bunker Hill Middle School’s eighth-grade Talented Art class recently unveiled the final result of their annual Andy Warhol Prints assignment, one of teacher Bethany Franz’s most anticipated projects each year. The final touches were put added, as the class created a group print – one that Franz will have them sign so she can post it in the school to always remember the group she taught.

The project required the 21 students to create a self-portrait using block printing, which is basically creating a stamp out of an image through relief carving. Then, using that image, the students had to create 16 different prints on a page, in true Warhol style. Twelve of the prints followed directions provided by Franz, such as black ink on white paper, rainbow ink on colored paper, or printed on newspaper. The last four prints were completely up to the students.

Last week, the class created a grid of the prints on a long table, inked them and made a group print on a large piece of paper. Franz’s self-portrait – she’s created one every year she’s taught the class – is included, right in the middle. 


The students’ individual prints are put together to create the template for the annual Warhol Prints group print.

The students press the ink into the paper for the final print.

Students add ink to the stamps prior to creating the final print.

Teacher Bethany Franz holds up the final print.

- WTPS -