• absenceAbsence Reporting

    • If you are calling your child out, please call the attendance line at (856) 227-8110 extension 3631. Please leave your child's name, grade, classroom, and a brief message as to why your child will be missing school. 
    • If your child has a fever they need to stay home until they are fever-free for 24  hours without the use of fever reducing medications such as tylenol and motrin.
    • If your child tests positive for Covid, please call the School Nurse at extension 3630 so that I can provide you with the correct return to school date.  It is important if your child tests positive for Covid that you let the school nurse know as soon as possible.
    • As a reminder, if your child has any illness that requires them to be out of school for more than three days, a doctor's note is needed to return to school.