Degrees and Certifications:
Janae Wilsman
Welcome to Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Health Office! I take great responsibility in being entrusted with the health of the students at TJ. I believe that health and intellectual development of children are intricately related; therefore, my goal is to strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting the health status of children and staff. While it may seem you only hear from me when your child is physically sick, in need of an immunization, vision or hearing evaluation, please know that I am concerned and interested with all aspects of your child's well-being. Please, don't hesitate to call me to discuss any situation or medical issue that may affect your child's school success. Below you will find the criteria that a child is too sick to be in school, as well as the immunizations required to enter kindergarten.
I can be reached via e-mail or 856-589-8248, Option 2
Feel free to contact me if you have any health concerns for your child. I look forward to working in partnership for the health of your child.
Janae Wilsman
School Nurse
Symptoms that a Child is too Sick for School
- Fever >100.4. Student may not return until they are 24 hours fever-free without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol and Motrin. You will be notified to pick your child up again if this is not adhered to.
- Vomiting: student should not return to school until they are 24 hours from the last episode of vomiting
- Diarrhea: student should not return to school until they are having no more than one bowel movement past their usual pattern (even if it is loose)
- Respiratory viruses: fever free for 24 hours without medications, and generally well-appearing (eating, drinking, acting like themselves). We will not send a student home for excessive mucus, but please try to work with them at home on proper nose-blowing techniques.
- Pink eye: students with symptoms of pink eye (yellow/green drainage, red/pink conjunctiva) will be asked to leave and come back with proof of antibiotic eye drop prescription or a doctor’s note saying they are not needed
- Sore throat: in conjunction with fever, abdominal pain, rash, and red enlarged tonsils with/without white pustules will be asked to return with proof of strep test
- Allergic reaction: Benadryl and EpiPens are kept in the health office for emergency use. If Benadryl is given, parent will be notified to pick up due to fall risk from potential drowsiness; if EpiPen is given, 911 will be called and parent will meet student at nearest emergency room
*A physician’s note clearing a child for school is required after 5 days of illness requiring absence, and can always be given for any of the aforementioned symptoms
Vaccines Required for Kindergarten
- 1 Varicella (chicken pox)
- 2 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
- 3 Hepatitis B
- 4 IPV (polio), will accept 3 if the 3rd is given after child’s 4th birthday
- 5 DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis), will accept 4 if the 4th is given after child’s 4th birthday