• redistrict logo
    Welcome to the District's all-encompassing site for redistricting plan information. Here, you will find links to important information, flyers and presentations regarding the 2016-17 redistricting plan.

    Redistricting Map

    map thumb Please click here to view the sending school map that will be used in 2016-17. To download a full resolution version of  the map, please click here.

    Parent Transportation Waiver Forms

    If you have a student entering fifth or eighth grade for the 2016-17 school year, and your residence is part of the redistricting plan that would require your child to move schools, you have the option of keeping your child in their current school if you agree to provide transportation to and from school for the entire school year. If you elect to take advantage of this waiver, you must fill out the waiver form below and return it to the main office of the child's current school by April 15, 2016.
    Click here for the Grade 5 Transportation Waiver Form.
    Click here for the Grade 8 Transportation Waiver Form.

    Full-Day Kindergarten is Approved

    Pre-registration for Washington Township’s first full-day kindergarten class at the Grenloch Terrace Early Childhood Center, Thomas fulldayk 2 Jefferson Elementary or Whitman Elementary has begun and runs through Friday, April 29, 2016. If you are a parent of a child who will be five years old on or before October 15, 2016 (October 1st is the cutoff as of the 2019-20 school year), the District invites you to call the Washington Township Public Schools’ registration office (589-6644, x6698) to obtain a kindergarten registration packet. Please click here for more information, or click here for a full press release.

    Community Redistricting Meeting Podcast/PowerPoint  

    The Washington Township Public School District hosted a community meeting to discuss the Redistricting and Full-Day Kindergarten plan on Thursday, January 21, 2016. 
    redist pod 1 Click here to watch Part 1 of a podcast of the meeting.
    redist pod 2 Click here to watch Part 2 of a podcast of the meeting.
    redist pp 121 Click here to check out the Power Point Presentation used during the meeting.

    Superintendent's PowerPoint 12/14/15

    Please click here to access the Power Point Presentation given by Superintendent of Schools Joseph Bollendorf at the December 14, 2015, Board of Education Work Session.

    Development Movement by School

    Please click here for a list of developments, by school, that will be directly impacted by the redistricting plan.
    neigh schools 1 Click here for a graphical representation of the students who would be shifting schools within those developments.

    Redistricting and Full-Day Kindergarten Q&As

    Please click here for a letter from Superintendent Joe Bollendorf announcing the January 21st informational meeting to be held at Washington Township High School's Investors Bank Performing Arts Center.
    redistrict qa Click here for a Q&A flyer about redistricting.
    fullday k qa Click here for a Q&A flyer about the proposed full-day kindergarten plan.

     Redistricting Timeline 

    Monday, December 14, 2015

    The proposed map of the newly aligned school neighborhoods will be presented at the Board of Education Work Session on December 14, 2015

    Thursday, January 21, 2016

    Full-Day Kindergarten and Redistricting Presentation to the Community on January 21, 2016 at 7 p.m. in the Investors Bank Performing Arts Center

    Tuesday, January 26, 2016

    Tentative Approval of the Proposed Full-Day Kindergarten and Redistricting Plan (pending formal Budget approval*) on January 26, 2016

    *Board of Education formal vote on the 2016-17 budget and approval of the final Full-Day Kindergarten and Redistricting Plan will take placed in April or May 2016, once budget numbers are verified from the State.