• Welcome to Washington Township Public Schools!

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    We're glad you're here.


    Registration Process


    Registration for the 2024-25 School Year ONLY through the Genesis Student Information System is OPEN FOR ALL GRADES! Click here to access our Open Registration portal through Genesis. Click here for a Parent Guide to Open Registration.


    ***Sign-up today for the 2025-26 Preschool Lottery! The Google Form will be available until February 12th. Click here for more information on the lottery and our free, integrated preschool program. Please do not attempt to register for preschool through Genesis at this time or your entry will be deleted***


    Do you think your preschool-aged child may have special needs? Please contact our special education department for more information and to complete a screening for our special education preschool program.


    PLEASE NOTE: If your child is currently enrolled in our District's regular education preschool or preschool disabled program, you DO NOT have to pre-register for kindergarten. Your child will automatically be rolled up by the District. 


    If you are unable to complete your registration online, you can make a daytime appointment in the registration office using this link.


    To register, we kindly complete the steps below:

    1.  Please check out our Genesis Open Registration Guide at this link.
    2.  Prepare and upload all required documentation to your device. 

    3.  Complete the information requested in Genesis Open Registration. Please plan on the process taking 30 minutes to one hour to complete.

    4.  After your Open Registration and documentation has been approved, you will receive an email from the Registration Office noting your registration is initially complete.  We also will email you if we are missing any documents. Over the summer, it may take several days to hear from us after you've completed Open Registration. We will work through the submissions as quickly as we can, but appreciate your patience.
    • Please note:  For the best user experience, kindly utilize Google Chrome or Firefox on a laptop or desktop to access our registration platform (do not use Internet Explorer). Mobile devices and tablets have difficulty uploading documents.

    If you need to submit updated immunizations, physical, or dental records after your registration has been completed, please send this information directly to your child's school nurse. Our nurses' contact information can be found in the confirmation email you receive from Registration.


    Need assistance?  We're here to help!  Please see our Registration Support Resources Page

    Need further support?  We've got you!  Please contact our Registrar, Matt Pesyna (mpesyna@wtps.org/ext. 6698).

    *** PLEASE NOTE: If you are a current WTPS student, you DO NOT have to re-register. ***



    Eileen Abbott Central Administration Building

    Registration Department

    206 East Holly Avenue

    Sewell, NJ 08080

    (856) 589-6644, ext. 6698 

    (856) 589-1385 (fax)