Washington Township High School To Confer Diplomas on 502 Graduates of the Class of 2023
Members of the Washington Township Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Eric Hibbs and Washington Township High School Principal Ray Anderson will confer diplomas on 502 graduates comprising the Washington Township High School Class of 2023. The school’s 58th commencement ceremony will take place on Monday, June 12th, promptly at 7 p.m. on Tom Brown Field in the WTHS Stadium. In the event of inclement weather, the event will be moved into the school’s Republic Bank Performing Arts Center. The ceremony also will be shared live on WT-TV (Channel 9 Comcast/Channel 36 Verizon), as well as on the District’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/wttvproductions
Congratulations and Best Wishes to the Class of 2023.
- A complete list of graduates follows –
Washington Township High School Class of 2023
Joseph Abrams, Hamza Abuqalbeen, Joseph Agosta, Abigail Aguilar, Kaitlyn Ahlquist, Maha Ahmad, Dante Aita, Ava Alessandrine, Ghazi-Jacob Alfakhouri, Zayna Ali, Joseph Altamuro, Emily Althouse, Nicholas Altobelli, Carolyn Alvear, Ethan Andress, Jordan Andrews, Rayn Andrews, Joseph Angeli, Laura Angstadt, Christian Ansuini, Mia Aquilino, Haylee Aquino, Joshua Arias McCarthy, Joseph Arico, Katelyn Arnold, Gianna Atkinson, Gavin Attanasi, Samantha Axilbund, Vincent Baccare, Josef Bachert, Ghassan Badawi, Leah Bader, Joshua Baggett, Matteo Bariana, Nicolas Barrett, Joseph Baselice, Alexis Beatty, Gabrielle Beck, Carter Bennett, Leila Bennett, Danielle Bentley, Amanda Bianchi, Ava Billick. Sophia Binder, Kaleigh Blaney, Kyle Bonner, Matthew Bonsall, Aidan Borchmann, Sophia Bostwick, Francesca Bourquin, Vincent Bourquin, Elijah Bradley, James Bradley, Michael Brady, Isaiah Braxton, Dylan Breen, Olivia Brett, Morgan Brewster, James Brigandi, Lauren Brookstein, Abigail Brown, Logan Brown, Nicholas Brown, Isabella Brunick, Michael Bruno, Abigail Cafferty, Lorenzo Campo, Victoria Capone, Samantha Carbone, Felicity Carden, Mia Cardillo, Tyler Carneglia, Alexandria Carroll, Carmen Casella, Toriana Cassia, Giovanna Castellan, Ivan Castillo, Jessica Castorina, Savien Castro, Riley Cavanaugh, Kaitlyn Cesare, Christina Chan, Maria Cheeseman, Ava Cianciotti, Darini Clark, Christopher Clune, Jacob Coggins, Alivia Colavita, Aiden Coleman, Jack Coleman, McKenzie Colfer, Taejanel Collins, Lauren Conlin, Madisyn Connell, Michael Coppola, Wesley Coronacion, Angelina Costello, Christopher Costello, Amanda Cote, Alexander Cottrell, Angelina Coulter, Cassandra Crawford, Emyleigh Crean, Santino Cristella, Ryan Crowley, Kyle Crozier, Bryan Cruz Bermudez, Brendan Cueva, Sienna Czechura, Catherine D'Ambra, Brynn Danley, Isabella Davidson, Evan Davies, Jacob Davis, Brandon De La Puente, Lucia DeAngelo, Dezirae DeJesus, Ava DelBorrello, Veronica DeLuca, Xamir DeOro Nader, Moira DeVera, Steven DeVito, Harshil Dhruve, Sophia Diaz, James DiBartola, Jason DiBlasio, Riely Diehl, Cadence Diemer, Kyle Dietz, Matthew DiGiacomo, Chase DiLugi, Jordyn DiNapoli, Max DiRaddo, Santino DiRenzo, Emily DiRidolfo, Kimberley Do, Victor Dochterman, Caitlin Dodds, Drew Dolgos, Elizabeth Donahue, Brooklynn Donia, Jessica D'Orazio, Julia D'Orazio, John Dorgan, Gianna Doto, Emily Drewry, Ezra Drexel, Robert DuCoin, Isabella Dulude, Connor Dunn, Sophia Dunning, Holly Duym, Jaiden Ekstrom, Joseph Elentrio, Mason Elliott, Grant Ensign, Adam Ernst, Louis Esposito, Gabriela Estrada, Eric Evans, Johnny Everest, Skyler Fairbanks, Matthew Fallon, Rose Falls-Gobbo, Jonathan Fandrick, Daniel Farley, Bridget Fellona, James Filteau, Darby Finnegan, Christopher Fisher, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Nicole Forte, Colin Foss, Logan Foss, Ava Franco, Owen Friel, Kylee Friess, Kacie Gadzinski, Bryce Gaffney, Rigby Gallagher, Alyssa Gallelli, Giulia Galli, Sherice Garcia, Ryan Gardiner, Brielle Gardner-Speights, Anton Garnett, John Garozzo, Francesca Gatta, Kaitlyn Gee, Ava Geiger, Sophia Gianacaci, Chakeal Gibson, Marcus Glenn, Michael Good, Alexia Gordillo, Nicholas Gosbin, Collin Goss, Tyler Gowan, Zoe Grassi, Ava Graves, Barry Green, Gianna Grosso, Luke Haddad, William Hagerty, Ashton Hammell, Francois Hanson, Daniel Hartong, Justin Hatton, Mychael Hatton, Riley Hayward, Christian Heil, Jackson Heil, Jeremy Heil, James Henhaffer, Adelyna Hernandez, Mayrin Hernandez, Wensly Herrera, Ariel Hicks, Aaron Higbee, Damiyah Hills, Richard Hoffman, Matthew Holdofsky, Mario Huggins, Daniel Hulmes, Amber Hunt, Maggie Hunt, Adrian Ilagan, Gabriel Izzi, Xander Jackson, Gianna Jacob, An-Taeya Johnson, Aidan Johnston, Jonathan Jones, Arianna Marie Jones-Leary, Yianni Kambouroglou, Hope Kaplan, John Karapcik, Kryssa Karavangelas, Madison Karol, Colin Keane, Alexa Kelly, Michael Kelly, Brennon Kennedy, Maxx Kennedy, Kathryn Kim, Michael Klancic, Madison Kodrich, Samantha Kodrich, Lucas Kolb, Mackenzie Kondas, Jaden Kopischke, Kyle Kowasa, Ryan Kozej, Reice Kraemer, Callie Krupa, Michael Kukral, Burhan Kumas, Rabeeh Kuzbari, Michael Lackore, Jake Lafferty, Kyle Lam, John-Paul Landau, Gerald Lanoza, Nicholas Lauletta, Madison Lawler, James Lawson, Ethan LeCompte, Evan LeComte, Andrew Lee, Anna Lee, Grace Leonard, Nathan Leone, Olivia Leone, Jasmine Lew, Egypt Lincoln, Olivia Long, Tyler Lucia, Gianna Lucidonio, Ethan Lyons, Sydney Ma, Taylor Ma, Dylan Makofka, Gabriella Maletta, Nadia Marchetti, Amina Marconi-Kechih, William Marion, Lauren Marmon, John Martino, Lucca Masciangelo, Mikaela Maxey, Damien Mayo, Jameer McCall, Gianna McCarthy, Jackson McCrae, Sophie McCrea, Aidan McDonald, Tellus McDonald, Aaron McGarvey, Shane McGinley, Collin McGuire, Marissa McKeever, Justin McKillop, Kevin McLarnon, Colin McLaughlin, Shane McLaughlin, Dylan McMahon, Nevaeh Mellon, Scott Mercer Jr, Maria Mereu, Christopher Mergen, Dawson Merrill-Longstreet, Isabella Mesi, Heather Mignogna, Kanye Mills, Lily Molnar, Michelle Molony, Sean Monaghan, Melanie Montalvo, Connor Moore, Dante Moore, Ethan Morales, Casey Morgan, Nicholas Morrett, Kendall Morrison, Christopher Morrow, Tangim Morshed, Charlotte Moule, Anna Muhihu, Kaitlyn Murphy, Alyssa Murray, Joshua Navan, Ilexia Navarro, Isabella Nelli, Tzigon Nemeth, Conner Neville, Andrew Ngo, Kevin Nguyen, Leann Nguyen, Steven Nguyen, Madeline Nocella, Mia Nocille, Lindsey Nocton, Caiden Norris, Xavier Norwood, Mohau Nwanma, William Obst, Ysabela Oli, Tyler Olson, Kerri Orbach, Travis Oswald, Cole Owens, Selin Ozdemir, Cade Padilla, Mia Pagliarini, Valentino Paletta, Salvatore Palmisano, Alexis Palombi, Paul Palumbo, Gianna Paparella, Sean Parchesky, Mahir Patel, Vedant Patel, Christian Paxson, Daniel Pecheux, Nicholas Pellegrino, Emma Peltz-Robledo, John Pescatore, Ryleigh Petersen, Ceceilia Petta, Corbin Pierce, William Pike, Brian Piotrowski, Kaia Popolo, Angelina Post, Sage Povernick, Samantha Pray, Cory Price, Gregory Price, Kaylee Pritts, Danielle Promise, Christopher Racobaldo, Jack Ragone, Nazneen Rashid, Bailey Ratcliffe, Dhvani Rathod, Brandon Rauscher, Miles Reed, Laura Reeve, Jacqueline Reeves, Isabella Regalbuto, Brielle Reisenwitz, Daniel Reistle, Nicholas Repousis, Daniel Revelli, Sean Reynolds, Dylan Rhodes, Gavin Rickert, Zachary Rink, Anthony Robbins, Damen Roberts, Kaseer Roberts, Qua'sir Robinson, Gavin Rodgers, Alyana Rodriguez, Kathleen Rodriguez, Joseph Ruffino Jr, Alexius Ruiz, Gabriela Ruiz, Lucas Rutledge, Ava Ryan, Emily Ryan, Hailey Sacco, Darius Santos, Michael Sapanara, Ravenna Sargent, Emily Satterfield, Michael Sawyer, Jillian Scardigli, Summer Scheufele, Juliana Schiavoni, Michael Schuck, Alexander Schultes, Jackson Schultz, Adriana Schulz, Emily Schwartz, Morgan Seagreaves, Emma Severance, Tanner Sharkey, Madison Sheffield-Bell, Riley Sheridan, Selma Shraim, Ayden Singleton, Wesley Sisco, Charles Smith, Kenneth Smith, Timothy Smith, Natalya Snock, Alianna Soto, Dominic Spadano, Taylar Spann, Angelina Stanfa, Kayla Steel, Isabell Steely, Brian Stephens, John T. Stone, Adrianna Strauss, Jenna Strosser, Carli Sullivan, Ryann Sullivan, Michael Szarzynski, Shane Tait, Abby Thomas, Emma Thomas, Madison Thomas. Mehki Thomas, Michael Thomas, Alexis Thompson, Zachary Thompson, Francis Tolete, Michael Tomasetti, Ciara Torres, Janiah Torres, Giana Torrie, Tyler Tran, Dania Trinidad Bautista, Hailey Trost, Michael Tussey, Peter Tzimoulis, Brian Valay, Jessica Valenti, Victoria Valentine, Michael Valentino, Tyler Vena, Vanessa Ventura Miguel, Timothy Vincent, Kaylee Vollmer, Reganne Voran, Brandon Wagner, Andrew Wahl, Faith Wahl, Grace Wahl, Emily Wechter, Jessica Wei, Brandon Weiss, Paul Welker, Kailee Weney, Domenic Went, Allyson Wernik, Brennan Wheeler, Cadence Widing, Alexander Wiedman, Lucas Wielhouwer, Desmond Williams, John Williams, Laila Williams, Daniel Wilson, Jai Wilson, Tyler Wilson, Olivia Wisor, Brielle Wojcik, Colin Woodward, Karolyn Wright, Rosa Yurkow, Aidan Zukovsky