Please Support these Business/Organizations.
Each of these businesses and organizations have supported BHMS in many ways and helped with fundraising opportunities and events. Bunker Hill Middle School would like to thank each of these businesses for their generosity and unwavering dedications to the Bunker Hill Bulldogs.
Washington Township Schools Place Student-Musicians onto Olympic Honors Band Ensembles
Seventh-Grader Ada Marano Named Winner of 2025 Washington Township Middle School Idol Competition
Washington Township Board of Education Shifting Six Regular Sessions to Elementary Schools During 2025 Calendar Year
Thomas Jefferson Elementary School Announces Inaugural PRIDE Awards โ Students Honored for Positivity
Orchard Valley Middle School Names January Super Students and Students of the Month
WTHS National Honor Society Welcomes 138 Juniors and 37 New Seniors During Annual Induction Ceremony
Washington Township High School Classes Visit McCarter Theatre for Performance of Here There Are Blueberries
Middle School Idol Contest Takes the Stage at WTHS Play House This Friday at 7 p.m.
Bunker Hill
Middle School
Allison Egizi
372 Pitman-Downer Road
Sewell, NJ 08080
Phone: 856-881-7007