TWP Backpacks
Backpacks contain documents of interest to parents and students, created in an effort to pursue a "green" paperless initiative throughout the school district. These documents are in .pdf format, and require Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view. The Reader is a free download available from adobe.com.All material contained in the District and Community backpack was previously approved in accordance with Board Policy 9700. All approved material contained therein shall NOT under any circumstances be construed as an endorsement by the Washington Township School District of that organization or the purpose and/or ideals it represents.
For parents who prefer a printed copy, a limited number will be available in the office of the respective school. We urge you to use the backpacks and help us reduce the costs associated with printing.To access the District-level backpack, Community backpack or individual school backpacks, please click on the links below. Each school's backpack also can be found via a link on the front page of that building's website.General Backpacks