Washington Township Presidents' Council
Washington Twp. Presidents' Council is made up of Co-Presidents and meets with Parent Teacher Organization and Home & School Council Presidents from each school in the district. They meet on a monthly basis with the superintendent to exchange ideas and/or share concerns.If you need more information, please reach out to them directly: PresidentCouncilCo@gmail.comAny questions regarding PTO/HSC activities/eventsCan be sent to the appropriate school's PTO/HSC eBoard.Click on the school's name to visit their PTO/HSC website.
You Can Help Our Schools Get Cash
and Free Merchandise
Our schools participate in several programs by which the Parent-Teacher Organization and Home & School Councils can receive funds/merchandise to enhance our students' learning experiences. You can help them by supporting these programs at no extra cost.
General Mills Products- Acceptable brands say Boxtops for Education on the package
In order to earn cash for your school, you will need the Box Top app on your mobile app.
Download the app: BOX TOP InformationTarget- Take Charge of Education* is an exclusive benefit of the Target REDcard® program. Your school supporters apply for the REDcard, and select the eligible K-12 school of their choice. Every time they shop, the cardholder benefits with 5% savings, and your school benefits with up to 1% of their purchase.
These programs help us to obtain items for our students!Thanks for your help!updated:8/7/2024