Sometimes, your computer does not have the application installed to view an attachment. Here are some Microsoft Viewers
to download to enable you to view attachments you may recieve that you do not have the software to open.
Power Point ViewerClick on the link below and you can download "PowerPoint Viewer" from Microsoft. If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer at home, this download will allow you to view PowerPoints. You cannot edit or create presentations with this viewer, but it will allow you to view the PowerPoints posted on the eboard.
Be sure you check with your building tech or if you are at home, parent/guardian before downloading anything to your computer!! Document Viewer
Click on the link below and you can download "Word Viewer" from Microsoft. If you do not have Word on your computer at home, this download will allow you to view Word documents. You cannot edit or create documents with this viewer, but it will allow you to view and print the documents posted on the eboard.
Be sure you check with your building tech, or if you are at home, parent/guardian before downloading anything to your computer!! Spreadsheet ViewerClick on the link below and you can download "Excel Viewer" from Microsoft. If you do not have Excel on your computer at home, this download will allow you to view Excel Spreadsheets. You cannot edit or create spreadsheets with this viewer, but it will allow you to view and print the spreadsheets posted on the eboard.
Be sure you check with your building tech or if you are at home, parent/guardian before downloading anything to your computer!! ReaderClick on the link below and you can download "Adobe Reader" from the Adobe website. If you do not have Adobe Reader on your computer at home, this will allow you to view "PDF" files that are usually scanned documents or dittos we use in class, like our Science Project Packet.
Be sure you check with your building tech or if you are at home, parent/guardian before downloading anything to your computer!!