• Disposal of Obsolete Equipment With a Bar Code
    District Equipment with a district Bar Code Tag that has been deemed obsolete or unrepairable, must be disposed of following these procedure:

    Obtain and complete the "Fixed Asset Disposal Form". This is a five part, color coded form and must be completed in full and sent to Bernadette Sikorski in Purchasing.

    A new procedure has been put into force by the Purchasing Department for Fixed Asset Disposals. It is as follows:
    • Disposal Form (6/06 form) must be submitted to the Purchasing Department for Board Approval. The GOLD copy of the form is to be maintained by the original location/ school as a record that the form was sent for disposal approval.
    • Once the item has been approved by the Board and recorded in the District Fixed Asset System, the GREEN and PINK copy of the form reflecting approval will be returned to the original location/school listed on the disposal form. Please affix the PINK copy to the equipment to be disposed. 
    • A disposal form without a tag number cannot be located in the fixed asset system and will be returned for additional information. Until a tag number can be determined, the item will not be approved for disposal.
    • No item will be picked up for disposal unless the approved PINKcopy of the disposal form is attached to the item and must contain the date of board approval and the date entered into the fixed asset system and is initialed at the bottom of the form. Once the PINK copy of the disposal form is attached to the asset, the items are to be maintained in its location until a Disposal Sale or removal date is established.
    • Also, any item in reasonably good condition (useable) should not be sent for disposal approval. A list of these items, including the tag number, should first be sent to purchasing so the information can be shared with other locations in the District for possible transfer. 
    If you have any questions concerning the procedures for disposal of an item, please contact or email either Louisa Gordon or Harry Finkle.

    Follow your building's procedures for holding the obsolete equipment to await pick up by our Operations Department.