5th to 6th Grade Transition Information

  • Making the transition from 5th to 6th grade is exciting! Students now begin to get more choices in their education and this is especially true within the Visual and Performing Arts Department. Through the counseling process, 5th grade students will have the opportunity to select one of following arts courses in middle school for the entire year:

    • Band
    • Chorus
    • Orchestra

    6th Grade students who do not wish to take one of the above courses may elect to take "Exploratory Arts" which will include a marking period of each of the following:

    • Music Appreciation
    • Art
    • Digital Literacy
    • Intro to Tech/Engineering

    Please note that students who elect Band, Chorus or Orchestra will still have the opportunity to experience other exploratory courses. For one marking period during 6th, 7th and 8th Grade students will go to following exploratory course instead of Band, Chorus or Orchestra:

    • Digital Literacy (6th Grade)
    • Art (7th Grade)
    • Engineering (8th Grade)

    During those selected marking periods, students are still members of their Band, Chorus or Orchestra and are expected to attend lessons, concerts and other activities at the discretion of your ensemble director. 

    Unfortunately, the middle school schedule does not allow for students in multiple performing arts courses in 5th grade to continue in more than one during middle school. We encourage discussion among the student, teacher and parent to determine the best option for each individual child. Further questions about our middle school arts offerings can be addressed by contacting the child's arts teacher or the VPA Supervisor, Mr. Corigliano (ccorigliano@wtps.org).


    Informational Videos about 6th grade offerings:

    Click here to learn about the OVMS Chorus program