

    TAG Services for Students (Grades 3, 4, 5)

    ELEMEnTS (Elementary Learners Engaging In Mathematics, Engineering, new Technologies, and Science)

    The program is designed to challenge our gifted learners with relevant activities to meet their academic needs. Identified students in grades three, four, and five are invited to participate in a program of weekly pull-out classes. Students are engaged in both critical and creative thinking activities created to provide an emphasis on research through an in-depth study of differentiated learning strands.  Learning activities focus on student discovery on relationships, systems, and structures that exist all around them. Topics are broad in scope, embracing the tenets of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programming.  Problem-based learning activities and assessments draw on students to conduct and apply research and predict future trends in technology, education, and economics. The program addresses the New Jersey Student Learning Standards at an advanced level; aligns with the National Association of Gifted Children (NAGC) Standards; and focuses on creative problem-solving, research, critical thinking skills, communication skills, and leadership skills within a highly engaging format.

    Student selection is based upon multiple measures from within the following categories:

    • Cognitive abilities testing
      • Otis Lennon SAT (Grades 2 and 5)/ Slosson Intelligence Test
      • Convergent thinking (analogies)
      • Divergent thinking (unique ideas)
      • Analytical screening
    • Standardized test scores
      • iReady Reading and Mathematics
      • Reading Level –Developmental Reading Assessment /Columbia Reading Assessment
    • Ratings pertaining to characteristics of the gifted student (e.g., inventiveness; creativeness; intuitiveness; curiousness)
      • Renzulli Scale Form completed by teacher

    Student progress will be reported after each semester to communicate each student’s growth relative to the program objectives.  Students’ overall performance will be evaluated annually; program participants must demonstrate a high level of performance in order to continue in the program.