• Middle School Curriculum Overview

    What Middle School Programs Distinguish Our School District?

    • An eight period instructional day designed to provide students with a quality education reflective of New Jersey Student Learning Standards.
    • A Student Learning Community approach to instruction designed to support middle school learners.
    • A Standards-Based approach to English Language Arts.
    • An articulated program of World Language instruction for grades 6-8 in which students elect to study either French, Spanish or German beginning in grade 6.
    • Technology Education exploratory offerings in Introduction to Technology and Engineering, Invention and Innovation in STEM and Engineering Our World.
    • An interdisciplinary Exploratory Arts Program in grades 6-8 which includes cycles of instruction in art, music, drama and performing arts and computer instruction and technology.
    • A comprehensive program of Music Instruction for grades 6-8 including chorus, band and orchestra.
    • Gifted and Talented programs including Humanities, Talented Art, Jr. Model U.N., and Jr. Mock Trial.
    • The opportunity to pursue developmentally advanced academic programs in mathematics and science.
    • Intramural sports programs.
    • A range of extra-curricular activities to support student interests.
    • A Tiered Level Support program in math and ELA.
    • A comprehensive School Counseling program and Student Assistance Coordinator
    • Availability of four computer labs in each building to support keyboarding instruction, computer literacy instruction, and classroom research.
    • A full range of Special Education programming to meet student needs in the least restrictive environment.
    • An Instructional Media Center equipped with computer work stations, electronic card catalog, on-line databases, Internet access and a variety of printed resources to facilitate student research and support student literacy.