Multi-Tiered System of Supports / Social Emotional - WTPS Building Better People & ADL/WTPS No Place for HateVision/Mission
Building Better People by helping all students achieve school success and plan for their future.- District to Launch "Building Better People" Initiative
- WTPS Building Better People Video
- Building Better People, TWP Substance Abuse Programs, Vaping
- District's School Safety, School Climate Team is the Business of Building Better People
- WTHS Building Better People / No Place for Hate Project Video
- District Equity Committee Hosts Virtual Equity Summit
- Dr. Ieva Leads District Inservice on Social Emotional Learning to Open School Year
- Joe Beckman "Getting out the Week of Respect Message" Introduction Video
- Local school district shows 'respect' for a week
- District Plans Activities for School Violence Awareness and Red Ribbon Week
- WTPS School Counseling Department to Present New Social Emotional Student Survey
- District and Rowan University Enter Social Emotional Tele-Counseling Clinic Partnership
- District to Launch "Building Better People" Initiative