Supporting Martino Cartier's Wigs and Wishes
The Bulldogs support their own Mrs. Maxwell as the fundraised through a staff dress down day for Martino Cartier's philanthropy Wigs and Wishes. Band teacher, Mrs. Maxwell was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma last summer. It was detected very early on and she had a positive reaction to all treatments thus far and is considered “in remission”. She then underwent a stem cell transplant to help continue her progress toward a healthy future. That required a few week stay at Penn where she underwent chemo prior to the transplant to “bottom out” her system. In preparation for this she shaved her head and was given a beautiful wig through Martino Cartier’s Wigs and Wishes Foundation. Bunker Hill is so thankful to Martino Cartier and his cause as he has supported the recovery of many who have to endure the long journey of chemotherapy. Martino Cartier's efforts make a world of difference to those battling cancer. See more of the Wigs and Wishes foundation at
Ms. Maxwell is seen pictured with Martino Cartier. With her 7th grade class, she presents Mr. Cartier with a monetary donation toward his foundation.