• How to Become a Board Member

    An individual who wishes to run for a position on the Washington Township Board of Education must meet the following qualifications as prescribed by State law: a) must be a citizen of the United States; b) must be a resident of  Washington Township for at least one year immediately preceding election; c) must be able to read and write;  d) must be registered to vote in the district and not disqualified from voting pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:4-1; e) may not have been convicted of a crime or offense as listed in N.J.S.A. 18A:12-1; and f) cannot concurrently hold office as a mayor or member of the governing body of Washington Township.

    Each member of the Board of Education, within thirty days of election or appointment to the Board shall undergo a criminal history background investigation including fingerprinting for the purpose of ensuring the member is not disqualified from Board membership due to a criminal conviction of a crime or offense listed in N.J.S.A. 18A: 12-1 et seq.

    Those seeking candidacy for the Board of Education must obtain a “School Board Candidate Kit” from the Gloucester County Clerk’s Election Division, 550 Grove Road, West Deptford, NJ.  Published by the New Jersey School Boards Association, the School Board Candidate Kit includes a sample nominating petition as well as information about legal qualifications for school board candidacy and the role of the school board member. Information about the New Jersey School Ethics Act, important dates in the school election process, and briefing sessions for school board candidates are also included in the Kit. The deadline for filing nominating petitions is typically in June.

    School Board members are elected typically on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November to serve voluntarily and without compensation for a three-year term.  If an elected member is unable to complete his or her term, the remaining members of the Board select a replacement in accordance with board policy to serve until the election in November.