School Newspaper - The Patriot
Advisor: Mrs. Pierson
The Patriot is the student-produced newspaper at WTHS. Under the guidance of the advisors, student volunteers write articles for news, editorials, features, entertainment, and sports stories. Students with special interests are encouraged to write columns (such as movie reviews or advice columns).
Student volunteers are also needed to work as photographers, illustrators and cartoonists. Those with a knowledge of or interest in learning layout and design are also encouraged to participate.
The Patriot is published several times per year. No prior writing experience is needed. Anyone interested in learning the aspects of producing a newspaper is welcome to join the staff. Full staff meetings are held bi-weekly. Interested students should submit a request to join the newspaper club page in Schoology or email Mrs. Pierson: apierson@wtps.org
If you are interested in joining the Newspaper Club, come out to our next meeting on OCTOBER 30TH after school in G-208 OR join our Schoology group (Newspaper Club 2024-2025).