• The Way Off Broadway Players is the theatrical production company at WTHS. This group produces a fall play and spring musical each year. Auditions are required in order to act, sing or dance in one of these productions. However, students can learn the arts of directing, producing, and stage managing if they would like to with no auditions necessary. They can also learn lighting design, sound design, properties management, and costume management from professionals in the field. All students are encouraged to audition to perform on stage or sign up to work behind the scenes. The fall play is always the weekend before Thanksgiving break and the spring musical is the third weekend in March. There are four co-advisors for this club: Mrs. Molotsky amolotsky@wtps.org, Ms. Kelleher jkelleher@wtps.org, Ms. Melson amelson@wtps.org and, Ms. McClellan lmcclellan@wtps.org. The schoology code for our group (where you can find a plethora of information) is RTG9-JJ5C-JN3ZD