• Advisors: Ashley Pierson (G-208) & Jennifer Wells (A-31)

    Contact: apierson@wtps.org; jwells@wtps.org

    Location: General Membership meetings are usually held in G-208

    In order to be considered for membership, you must be currently enrolled in one of the following: Honors English 10, Honors English 11, Honors English 12, Journalism 2/3/4, AP Language and Composition (11), or AP Literature and Composition (12).  **Grade 10 students must also get a recommendation from their current English teacher.

    You should also have a grade of an A in Honors English, Journalism 2/3, or a B in AP English, from last yearThese same grades must also be maintained this year and throughout your tenure as a member of the Township Round Table.

    **NEHS IS CURRENTLY ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR GENERAL MEMBERSHIP. Interested 10th, 11th and 12th grade students who meet the above qualifications should see their English teacher for an application OR stop by G-208 to pick up an application from Mrs. Pierson.