• How do I connect wirelessly to my Epson projector

    Posted by:

    Please see the linked directions. 

    Epson Wireless Projector Directions

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  • Projector problems

    Posted by:

    If you are experiencing issues with projecting, try unplugging the power from the dock, wait 20 seconds, and plug it back in. 


    On the keyboard, try hitting either the Windows P or FN 8 to toggle between screen options. Select duplicate to show exactly what is on your screen or extend to treat the projector screen as a second monitor. 


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  • Office programs keep crashing/is "unresponsive"

    Posted by:

    Sometimes the various Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) will unlock when they become unresponsive, please wait 1 minute before forcing it to restart by hitting ctrl alt delete. 

    While updates should be automatic, please check that your updates have been completed. To do this open a new document in any of the Office programs and go to File, select Account from the left hand side, under Product Information click on and run the Office Updates. 


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  • My student doesn't have any printers installed, how do I fix this?

    Posted by:

    Unfortunately, this is not something an end-user can fix. Please send the student(s) down to C19, the Support Specialist there will be able to quickly add the printers for them.

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  • I am having problems with the wireless network, what can I try?

    Posted by:

    Please ensure you are connected to the Mobile Devices network instead of WTPS Wireless. The easiest way to check and change this setting if neccessary is from the login screen or the bottom of your desktop if you are logged-in. Click on the bottom right wireless/radar signal, if Mobile Devices is not selected, click on it to change to that network. Please report this to the Help Desk so they may update your computer.


    If you are on Mobile Devices, before rebooting, try turning on Airplane mode for 20 seconds and then turning it back on again. To turn Airplane mode on/off, swipe in from the right of you screen to bring up the Action Center, along the bottom is the Airplane mode button, simply tap on it to turn it on or off. 

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  • I am having trouble viewing morning announcements through the projector, what do I do?

    Posted by:

    Using Firefox or IE (Chrome does NOT work), start to play content or a live stream and then right click on player window choosing Technical settings.




    In the VLC section change Video output to Direct 3D. Close everything and re-open to try again.



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  • Office application/Office 365 activation messages

    Posted by:

    If you or your student is having a problem with Outlook or any of the Office products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) please login to Office 365, https://login.microsoftonline.com/ , as some activations happen in the background at login. This should only be neccessary when logging into the computer the first time. Also, when you login to Office 365 it will ask if you want to connect to your Microsoft or Work account, you much choose Work only. Mixing a school/work account along with a personal/Microsoft account may cause issues. 

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  • Battery Not Charging

    Posted by:

    From normal movement and use, plugs can become lose. Ensure when you are plugged in and truly charging. To confirm this, the small battery icon along the bottom right of the screen will change to display a plug next to the monitor. 


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  • Chrome keeps crashing, what should I do?

    Posted by:

    There are a number of potential fixes, the simplest one that you may try yourself is the following: right click on Chrome and go to Properties, from there click on the Compatibility tab and click on the checkbox under Compatibility mode: “Run this program in compatibility mode” and select Windows 8 from the dropdown. Click Apply.


    Some users have reported problems when using Chrome as their web browser, this is a known issue between Google and Microsoft and is largely outside of our control. Hopefully, a future update to Chrome and/or Windows 10 will improve the stability for all users. In the meantime, if you are experiencing problems with Chrome and the above fix does not help, please try any of the other three web browsers that are installed: Firefox, Edge (Microsoft’s replacement for Internet Explorer), or Internet Explorer which is hidden but can be found by searching for Internet Explorer.

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