• Washington Township High School



    EdTech Terminology

    These definitions were developed by the Educational Technology Advisory Committee (ETAC) and comprise of common edtech terminology as it applies to our building.

    If you would like to add to this list submit your edtech term and it will be reviewed by the ETAC Team

    1:1- Each student is issued a device for learning to ensure equity and provide a personalized learning experience.

    21st Century Learning- Skills such as digital literacy, problem-solving, and collaboration that students need thrive in today's world. Technology gives us an ability to focus on criticial thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity

    Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)- Policy that outlines, in writing, how a school or district expects its community members to behave with technology. (www.commonsnesemedia.org)

    Blackboard Learn- The district’s learning management system (LMS).

    Asynchronous Learning- A student-centered style of teaching that uses online resources where a student can direct their own learning any time anyplace without the teacher present.

    App- Short for an application.  Applications are software that can be used for specific functions.  They can be launched from the computer, web browser, or a mobile device.

    Blended Learning- Learning that takes place online while a student still attends a brick and mortal building.  Students can control the pace, path, and place at which they learn. (https://www.christenseninstitute.org)

    Cloud Computing- Being able to access your data, information, and applications anywhere with an internet connection.

    Differentiated Instruction- When a teacher uses various programs or tools to present curricular materials in unique ways to students.

    Digital Assessment- Applications that allow teachers to gauge student learning

    Digital Literacy- A student’s ability to use technology as a tool to direct their learning

    Digital Citizenship- is a concept which helps teachers, technology leaders and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Digital Citizenship is more than just a teaching tool; it is a way to prepare students/technology users for a society full of technology. Digital citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology use. (http://www.digitalcitizenship.net/)

    Digital Workflow-  The process of how a teacher uses technology to automate the traditional process in the classroom

    Flipped Learning- Where a teacher uses digital resources to move direct instruction out of the group space and into the personal space.  Face-face time is dedicated to activities that promote deeper learning.

    Gamification- Using game like elements and principles in an educational setting

    Learning Management System- Platform to administer, track, and deploy learning materials to provide students with an Online Learning Experience

    Learning Platform- Platform for sharing digital content. Contains features of an LMS (Blackboard)

    Mobile Learning- Mobile learning is learning that happens with the use of personal electronic devices (cell phones, laptops, and tablets)

    Open Educational Resources- Digital materials made available to reuse and modify by teachers.  These materials are typically hosted on a learning platform.

    Office 365- The suite of Microsoft applications (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) plus the other productivity applications that are enabled over the Internet (Cloud Services).

    OneDrive- Microsoft’s solution for hosting files in the “cloud”.  OneDrive allows teachers to store, share, and sync files across many devices.  This includes tablets and smart phones.

    Personalized Learning- Using a diverse set of educational programs and teaching approaches to meet students individual needs based on ability, interests, culture, etc. (K12 Blueprint)

    Podcast- An audio file that can be listened to over the Internet

    SAMR- SAMR is a model designed to help educators infuse technology into teaching and learning. Popularized by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the  model supports and enables teachers to design, develop, and infuse digital learning experiences that utilize technology. (http://www.schrockguide.net/samr.html)

    Short Throw Projector- A projector that is attached to the wall and shows an image from above. It provides interactive software an can be wirlessly accessed

    Streaming Media- Videos that play over the internet through a web-browser.

    2-in-1- District issued PC to teacher that runs Windows 10 for Education