• High School Boys Soccer Summer Training Information 


    First Week of Summer "Captains" Practices: Week of July 8, 2024, and will run to the week before tryouts (8/19)


    Captains Practices : Tuesdays/Thursdays 8:30-10am and Wednesdays grades 10-12 (Times to be determined)


    Shane Snyder Soccer Camp: July 29 to August 4 (http://shanesnydersoccercamp.com/) Players are HIGHLY encouraged to register for this program-wide camp. Other high schools have attended as well. All information can be found using that link. See the tab to register for the High School Camp.


    Changes in Schedule: All Times Are Subject to Change/Players will be notified via Remind101.


    Summer Expectations

    These sessions will be completely optional but strongly encouraged. The sessions will be designed to improve player’s fitness and touch on the ball. This is also a great way to meet different players and to provide an opportunity to see what the Boy’s Soccer Program is all about. 


    Again, please take the summer to spend time with family and friends. No player will be penalized for vacation, work, or summer related activities.


    The goal of these sessions is to prepare for the season in August and meet new players!

    -Coach McCusker

    PLAYER Remind 101 Information: Use the link provided or the information below: 

    Remind101 Link: https://www.remind.com/join/wtsoc24



    Send a text to: 81010


    Text this message: @wtsoc24


    Email: Varsity Head Coach Ed McCusker - emccusker@wtps.org