WTHS BOYS’ SOCCER 2024 Tryout Schedule
First Day of Tryouts 8/19
Tryout Dates: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8/19 - 8/21
8 - 10 am (9th grade)
10 - 12am (10, 11, 12th grade)
Cuts: Thursday 8/22
8 - 9:30 am (10/11/12 grade) cuts will be made.
9:30 – 11:00 am (9th grade) cuts will be made.
First Two Practices: Friday 8/23 and Saturday 8/24 - 8-11 am All Grades
Scrimmage Schedule: TBD
Tryout Expectations:
Tryouts are going to be very competitive. Your goal is to put in as much work and effort in the summer as you can.
Work on your FITNESS. Work on your touches on the ball. You will be evaluated by your 2-mile time for upperclassmen and 1.5 mile for freshman. You will also be evaluated by the Beep Test, juggling, dribbling, passing, strength of each leg, 1 v 1 attacking, 1v1 defending and your overall playing ability.
Your goal for the 2-mile time should be under 13:00 (for 10 – 12 graders), freshman will only be timed on a mile and a half.
PLAYER Remind 101 Information: https://www.remind.com/join/wtsoc24
OR Send a text to: 81010 and Text this message: @wtsoc24
Email: Varsity Head Coach Ed McCusker - emccusker@wtps.org