• Scheduling Advisement
    WTHS Grade 8 Open House is Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
    WTHS Scheduling Advisement Video (14:36 minutes) & Smore Program of Studies - Use these to guide you through the process. 
    Grade 8 Parent/Student Virtual Scheduling Advisement Night is Thursday, March TBD, 2025 at 6:30pm: Click here for the Scheduling Advisement presentation and Scheduling Advisement video.
    Scheduling Advisement individual student appointments will be during the following month (students register for courses without a priority system to determine their selection order):
    • Freshmen - February to March
    • Sophomores - March
    • Juniors - March to April
    • Incoming Freshmen - April (BHMS 4/14 & 4/15, CRMS 4/17 & 4/18, OVMS 4/11 & 4/12)
      • School Counselors - Tentatively assigned to Grade 8 students in the spring
    • Deadline for schedule changes is Thursday, May 1, 2025

    During scheduling advisement for individual student appointments, school counselors develop a Personalized Student Learning Plan (PSLP) to include:

    • Courses & Credits - Courses for the upcoming school year based on New Jersey state requirements, individual interests, and dual credit options or Option Two opportunities.
    • Student Overview - Review of grades, GPA, NHS, attendance, standardized tests/scores, and fee waivers (if applicable)
    • Postsecondary Planning - Discussion regarding student's postsecondary school/career goals using the WTHS Counseling Webpage, Naviance career and college planning, extracurricular activities, and employment
    • Social Emotional/Wellness - Discuss personal strategies and Panorama survey results, if applicable 
    • Technology Etiquette - Discuss email and social media management

    8th Grade Parents:

    • Questions - Contact your child's current Grade 8 Counselor. If you need additional assistance, you may contact the WTHS Counseling Office or tentatively assigned Grade 9 Counselor.
    • Student Transferring from Private Schools - Registration is held during the summer prior to the new school year and scheduling advisement appointments are held in August.